Presence in Evolving areas

RERA (Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act):

RERA has been a game changing journey and is now the talk of the town. The provisions of RERA are complex in nature and with customer interest in focus. Non-compliance can be costly here. Early catching up of the opportunity has helped us to gain a deep insight into the subject.

We provide our clients peaceful compliance, consultancy, and litigation services.

  • Advising on applicability of RERA.
  • Application/ Proposal preparation for registration of projects.
  • Application preparation for registration of agents.
  • Information management/ MIS support to developers/ promoters for updating information with the authority.
  • Re-application for extension/ modification.
  • Training & capacity building of developers/ promoters/ investors.
  • Guidance for maintaining the proper records as prescribed under the RERA.
  • Post registration compliance.
  • Representation before the authorities.
  • Representation before the appellate tribunal for appeals.
  • Closure of the project.


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